I have been trying to
learn these concepts from a long time. Read many good articles, their
definitions, but could not make much out of them. Finally, I decided
to write my understanding that I have got from these resources. So in
this article, I will share my learning about what are O.W.I.N. and Katana and
will also try to get into some basic details that makes them important concept
to be learnt. So let's start with their basic definitions first.
What is O.W.I.N. ?
O.W.I.N. stands for Open Web Interface
for .Net. Note that this is just a
specification and not any technology or framework. It's official definition is quite simple and easy to understand. It says:
OWIN defines a standard interface
between .NET web servers and web applications. The goal of the OWIN interface
is to decouple server and application, encourage the development of simple
modules for .NET web development, and, by being an open standard, stimulate the
open source ecosystem of .NET web development tools.
Let's try to understand
what this definition is trying to convey here. Till now the
developers mainly focused on decoupled application code by creating
different layers in the applications, which interact with the use of
interfaces, use design patterns, S.O.L.I.D. principles etc. But O.W.I.N. is a
step above the code decoupling. It is aimed at decoupling the application
and the web-server, that hosts the application. Using such kind of
decoupled architecture allows:
1. Creating middleware
components which can be replace/added in the application without affecting
the other components in the application
2. Remove the dependency of web server to host a component, by promoting the use of self-hosting.
2. Remove the dependency of web server to host a component, by promoting the use of self-hosting.
We will discuss about
these points, later in the discussion.
What is Katana ?
Next the question comes
what is Katana and how it is related to the OWIN ?
The answer is that if OWIN is a specification (and not any technology or
framework), than Katana is an open source project by Microsoft based on the OWIN. One
such example is the asp.net webapi, based on the OWIN specifications,
supports the concept of self-hosting for hosting, by using the OWIN custom
hosts(we will see the custom host concept in further discussion) and
eliminating the dependency on IIS for hosting.
So to conclude this part
of the discussion, OWIN is a specification and Katana is
Microsoft's open source project which uses these specifications.
So moving on, let's
discuss in details about OWIN. But before that, a very important point
to be mentioned, which will make further understanding easier. For this, I
would like to quote a very good explanation about what OWIN is,
from the link here. It
OWIN introduction allowed
any OWIN-compatible application to talk through OWIN to a web server that had
an OWIN-compatible hosting layer. Microsoft wrote Katana as one OWIN implementation that could
host ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET SignalR, and many 3rd party frameworks on top of
several servers, including IIS (and IIS Express), Katana's self-host server,
and custom hosts (i.e. run Katana's host in a custom app).
This means that
Microsoft's Katana project allows the use of the OWIN specifications
by providing not only new servers like Katana's self host server, custom
host server (like any windows service or console application) but also with
existing web servers like IIS & IIS express.
In any normal asp.net
application architecture, we have different layers categorized as host, server
and the main application. In such a case, IIS acts as
the server as well as the host. But in case of any OWIN based
structure, we can have 4 different layers. Three of these layers are web
server, OWIN compatible applications like SignalR and Webapi and OWIN compatible
hosting layer. The 4th one is our main application which could be any
application based on web-forms or mvc framework. So the structure defined
above is layered as:
Let's discuss these
layers in detail now.
The Host layer: In any OWIN specifications based application, this
layer can consist of either of the following 3 acting as the host:
§ IIS : This includes the use of IIS as the host
for any application. In such as case, Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb is to be used as the Server. This will allow
to add any OWIN compatible component or middleware to be
easily added/remove from the pipeline.
§ Custom Host: This involves creating a windows service or a
console application and using it to host your OWIN compatible
applications like SignalR or Webapi. An example is self-hosting the webapi in a Console or windows
application. See an example here.
§ OwinHost.exe: This is an executable file named OWIN.exe. It can
be directly run and used as a host for any application.
The Server Layer: Next we have the server layer, which will listen to any incoming
requests and manage the requests in pipeline. This layer can be based on:
§ Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb: System.Web is used when we are using IIS as the host. In that case,
IIS also acts as the server. So in order to easily
plug the OWIN components in the pipeline, we can use this
server layer. A definition from one of the reference links defines its role as:
The Katana SystemWeb host
registers an ASP.NET HttpModule and HttpHandler to intercept requests as they
flow through the HTTP pipeline and send them through the user-specified OWIN
§ Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener: This involves the use of .Net frameworks' HttpListener class
to open a port and manage the request pipeline.
Using these two layers,
suppose we add a new empty application project and try to create an application
based on this structure. In this case we have two different options:
§ By using Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb as the server implementation, we make
use of IIS as the host as well as the server.
§ By using Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener as the server implementation, we can use
any custom host like windows or console application as the host or even
the OWIN.exe executable
as the host.
Middleware Components: These are the OWIN compatible components like SignalR and WebAPI and
even static html pages. These are added to the system as plug and
play components and can be easily added/removed without affecting the
other modules. When the server receives any request from the client, it is
passed through these components.
Applications: This
could be any of your ASP.Net, mvc or any other applications.
Now let's try to create a
sample using the above concepts. So we will use
1. Custom host in the
form of a Console application.
2. Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener for the server implementation.
3. WebAPI and an HTML page as the middleware components in the system. An option could have been using any mvc or asp.net page as separate application in place of the html page. Then it would have acted as the 4th layer of the system i.e. Main Application. Another important point is, using any asp.net or mvc would not have been a good option as this would than not be hosted through custom host or used the Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener server implementation. This is the reason i have highlighted it to be used as a separate application.
2. Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener for the server implementation.
3. WebAPI and an HTML page as the middleware components in the system. An option could have been using any mvc or asp.net page as separate application in place of the html page. Then it would have acted as the 4th layer of the system i.e. Main Application. Another important point is, using any asp.net or mvc would not have been a good option as this would than not be hosted through custom host or used the Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener server implementation. This is the reason i have highlighted it to be used as a separate application.
Start by adding a new
console application. This will be the first layer or the custom hosting
the system, instead of IIS. Add the references to the Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener by using the nuget package manager. This would
then meet the requirement of a server implementation.
So we have the host and
server in place. Next, we need to add the middleware component webapi. So we
add reference to the webapi2.2 OWIN package,
using the nuget package manager and OWIN hosting libraries.
Next, we add another
middleware component. This time, its libraries to add support for hosting
html pages. Yes that's correct. We will host html pages in a console
application. So let's see how we can do this.
Now we have all the
required references in the project and just need to configure the components to
be used. Before that, we add a webapi controller and an html page into a
folder named Pages. So our complete solution structure
will like the following:

So now let's configure these components one by
one. First, add a simple method in webapi controller, which returns the current
date-time string. This will be called from the html which we added above.

Next, we will register our middleware
components i.e. webapi and the html file in the WebAPIConfig.cs. This will make the hosting of the webapi and the html file
possible. See the code below:

Next, let's start the server and host the application. For this, add the following code the Main function in Program.cs

Next, let's start the server and host the application. For this, add the following code the Main function in Program.cs

Final step, add some html to the html page and
call the webapi method to get the date from the server.

All done. Now start the console application and you can than browse the html page on the same url, as that of web api. Click the button and your request will be sent to the webapi.

All done. Now start the console application and you can than browse the html page on the same url, as that of web api. Click the button and your request will be sent to the webapi.

So now you can host the
html page in the console application as well. Further if you tomorrow if you
need to add the SignalR functionality, simply add the references and
configure it in the WebAPIConfig.cs file like we did for the webapi and the
static files.
Further, if we need to
provide the service api to any third party, simply host that in the console
application or windows service. No dependency on the IIS.
Following are some of the
reference links you may
find useful:
1. Basic concept of Host, servers and middleware
2. Use IIS as host and SystemWeb as the server for OWIN implementation
3. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25431750/asp-net-vnext-is-host-agnostic-what-does-it-deeply-mean
4. Step by step configuring components in OWIN pipeline.
2. Use IIS as host and SystemWeb as the server for OWIN implementation
3. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25431750/asp-net-vnext-is-host-agnostic-what-does-it-deeply-mean
4. Step by step configuring components in OWIN pipeline.
Hope you will find this
article helpful and enjoyed reading it. This is a new concept to be learnt. So
i would love to hear about your feedback/additions to this concept. Source code
for this article is also attached here. Happy coding...!!!